Friday, February 27, 2009

The 3 mistakes of my life a very easy read, as Chetan Bhagat intends it to be.
This is the story of 3 friends, Govind, Ishaan and Om from Ahmedabad who set up a cricket shop in the premises of a temple. How the business fares when Gujarat is first shaken up by an earthquake and later by the Hindu-Muslim riots form the back drop for the novel. A love-angel and Ishaan's determination for nurturing Ali-a gifted batsmen (and a Muslim to boot) add interesting dimensions to the story. The characters are well etched out and one can easily relate to them.

One of the reasons why this is such a smooth read is the story feels very much like a fast-paced hindi film complete with action, romance, adventure and even a foreign locale. The end with the heroes taking on the villains and a Hindu staking his life to save that of a Muslim, (In most films though it is the Muslim characters that die for the country/friend) cannot be more Hindi-filmish.
One thing I have noted, especially of Chetan Bhagat novels, is that all the female lead characters (heroines?) be it Vidya in this one, or Neha in Five point Someone or Priyanka in One Night at the Call Center, they are always assertive, always take the initiative in their relationships and don't think pre-marital sex is a sin. Quite the 21st centure women these are.

So does this book get you to introspect, philosophize, ask existential questions?
Does this book entertain, bring a smile and an occasional tear? That it most definitely does.

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