Thursday, February 26, 2009

Picking up the challenge.... read 20 books in 2009.

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Considering that I read almost a book a fortnight, some a week and that I have a subscription to this should be no big deal. Lets hope it also helps me blog about the books I read.

So this is where I keep track of the books I read for this challenge.

1. Against all odds.
Author: Kishor Shantabai Kale.
Started reading 20 Jan 2009. Finished reading 25 Jan 2009.
Read about it here.

2. The 3 mistakes of my life.
Author: Chetan Bhagat.
Started reading 14 Bef 2009. Finished Reading 16 Feb 2009.

1 comment:

KamalKitchen said...

LOL..i think i already crossed indian authors though..

the bong girl - whats her name- pulitzer -- left me gagging